Building future capacity

Nurturing the next generation of conservationists

We partner with universities to prepare tomorrow’s leaders to tackle growing conservation challenges. We develop practice-based curricula and teaching materials that provide students with the real-world skills needed to manage complex conservation projects. Together, we are creating the next generation of conservation leaders.

Open Standards short course at Yale

We work with students like those at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies to develop their conservation planning skills during short, in-person workshops. Or recent training with Yale students included an introduction to the Open Standards using a hands-on approach with sticky tarps and index cards – the real workshop experience!

Conservation Planning course at UW-Madison

Arlyne Johnson uses the Open Standards, Miradi, and Miradi Share to teach conservation planning, a core course for the Professional Master’s Program in Environmental Conservation at the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Student groups complete plans for conserving endangered wildlife and their habitats with FOS partners including USFWS National Wildlife Refuges Region 8, the International Crane Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, and Endangered Wildlife Trust

Teaching Adaptive Management Network

TAM is an online network that brings together faculty, staff, and students from universities across the world, providing a forum for sharing tools and lessons for incorporating adaptive management training into graduate conservation programs. Our TAM representatives work to track current courses that focus on good conservation practice, identify gaps in the coverage of current curricula, and support teams to develop new curriculum.