Government Agencies
Managing and funding conservation with public dollars
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Around the world, government agencies and institutions are tasked with managing public sector conservation projects—from operating protected areas and implementing range-wide species conservation initiatives to setting the rules and regulations that govern public natural resource use and management. These agencies must make well-directed and transparent funding choices, ensuring the maximum conservation return on investment of public dollars. Like their private sector and NGO counterparts, these agencies often struggle to determine which actions are effective and how they should improve their tactics. Working with national, regional, and local partners—or sometimes a combination of all three—these agencies face complex challenges to coordinate funding and implementation across many different projects and partners. They need an approach and tools to help them plan across projects and monitor impact under a systematic framework. Without it, agencies struggle to accurately evaluate the success of their investments and share critical information with the public.

Improving protected areas in Sweden
The Swedish Agency for Water & Marine Management, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and FOS Europe have joined forces in an ambitious 4-year program. SwAM is responsible for protected marine and freshwater protected areas, while SEPA is responsible for terrestrial protected areas. They are working together to improve the impact of their work and adopt good conservation practices in every protected area in Sweden.

Tackling USAID’s conservation challenges
USAID’s Measuring Impact 2 (MI2) is a follow on to Measuring Impact (2012-2018) with our close partners Environmental Incentives and ICF International. MI2 assists USAID’s Forestry and Biodiversity Office to bolster the Agency’s best practices in adaptive management including the use and generation of evidence and learning to enhance their biodiversity conservation programming. MI2 also helps better integrate conservation with other development sectors such as health, food security, democracy and governance, and global climate change. Banner photo on homepage and project photo by Jason Houston for USAID.

Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
We helped Brazil’s Protected Areas Agency (ICMBio) test the implementation of the Open Standards for developing protected area management plans. ICMBio also used the Open Standards to develop a Research and Information Management Strategy for the Brazil protected area system and the multiple research institutions managed by the agency.