FOS Europe

Improving conservation in Europe and beyond

FOS Europe is a team of dedicated and skilled professionals with a global reach. As part of the FOS Collective, we are committed to accelerating and amplifying the impact of the global conservation community. FOS Europe was established in 2007 and is a mission-first enterprise registered as a limited liability company under Dutch Law. 

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We help teams overcome obstacles to learning and collaboration by promoting a common framework for the planning and management of conservation projects. Partnering directly with conservation teams, we strengthen skills and provide the tools needed for teams to be more strategic, efficient, and effective.

Across Europe and beyond, we bring together conservation practitioners, funders, and educators to share lessons and ask tough questions. The result is a more innovative and disciplined conservation community.

Our network of partners in Europe is vast and includes many local and international NGOs, universities, government agencies and private donors.

Photo of the nine members of the FOS Europe team in a forest.


What’s it like to work with us?

“With the support of FOS Europe we have been able, together with our partners, to better understand the essence and to effectively apply adaptive management in our West Africa programme.”

Charlotte Karibuhoye, PhD | MAVA Foundation

 “L’utilisation de la méthode « Open Standards » pour le développement de la stratégie 2018-2027 du PRCM a constitué pour nous une innovation qui a permis de produire d’une manière participative un document stratégique de qualité et de faciliter grandement sa mise en œuvre et son suivi.”

Ahmed Senhoury | PRCM

“Nature conservation needs a professional approach – this is where FOS can help. FOS Europe supported us in several joint workshops to build our Adaptive Management capacity. We are since better in identifying effective and feasible conservation strategies and making informed management decisions when implementing our projects.”

Uli Gräbener | CEO, Michael Succow Foundation

“After several months of brainstorming on needs and challenges for our future strategy and gathering a million ideas, FOS Europe was extremely helpful in facilitating the development of our joint theory of change and structuring our new strategic framework through careful listening and a dynamic approach.”

Marie Romani | Executive Secretary, MedPan

“Thanks to FOS tremendous expertise and dedication, MAVA West Africa key conservation partners are not only able to define common priorities and strategies, but also to apply a coherent and agreed monitoring approach for implementation progress and effectiveness.”

Charlotte Karibuhoye, PhD | MAVA Foundation

“It is hard to do justice to the great work of FOS in just a few lines. FOS has helped us enormously by interlinking science, conservation, and culture in a robust adaptive management approach.”

Assad Serhal | Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon & BirdLife M.E. Regional Committee

“In FOS Europe we really found the involved guidance we needed for the complicated task of switching to adaptive management. We are impressed with their knowledge of the Open Standards and all aspects concerned with nature conservation worldwide.”

Fred Wouters | Vogelbescherming Nederland (Birdlife Netherlands) 

“This is a genuine change and a key condition for success in such multi-partner initiatives as ours, if lasting impact is to be achieved beyond individual actions.”

Charlotte Karibuhoye, PhD | MAVA Foundation

 “Le PRCM se réjouit d’avoir collaboré avec l’équipe de FOS Europe dans le cadre de la formation des acteurs ouest africains sur cette méthode et son application pour développer son cadre stratégique.”

Ahmed Senhoury | PRCM

“By working side-by-side with SPNL staff and members of local HIMA communities, FOS has helped ensure that the Syrian serin and the Common otter are back in the wetlands of Anjaar and K’far Zabad in Lebanon!”

Assad Serhal | Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon & BirdLife M.E. Regional Committee

“There has been a great balance in providing knowledge, being our very critical friend and guiding us towards workable solutions. We are now (even more)  clear on what we are trying to achieve with our work.  And that the FOS staff are both smart and nice, make it a pleasure to work with them.”

Fred Wouters | Vogelbescherming Nederland (Birdlife Netherlands) 

Our travel is carbon-neutral

FOS Europe offsets its travel emissions, from both flights and long-distance trains, through contributing to the restoration of peatland in Germany.

Sundew on peatland


Experienced, innovative leaders

The FOS Collective is comprised of FOS US, FOS Latin America & Caribbean (LAC), FOS Europe, and FOS Africa. We share the same vision and mission, carry the FOS brand and logo, and make use of and contribute to the intellectual property of The FOS Collective.