We’re launching a series of blueprints, or generic theories of change (ToCs), for key conservation strategies in the Conservation Science and Practice Journal.
We hope these ToCs can both help practitioners learn about each strategy as well as enable the collection of standardized data across specific implementations of each strategy in different conditions. These data will, in turn, inform increasingly more systematic assessments of the strategy, thus contributing to the evidence base of strategy effectiveness.
Each paper in this series will focus on the generic ToC for a conservation strategy that has been developed by a group of practitioners and experts who have been intimately involved in using and assessing the effectiveness of this strategy.
Although we are launching this series with a set of initial strategies, we invite contributions from the community. If you have a generic ToC for a conservation strategy, please contact us. We are happy to receive ideas in any stage of completeness ranging from completed manuscripts to initial concepts that could be refined and developed.
To submit a generic ToC for a conservation strategy, please contact us at caml@fosonline.org
Read the editorial here: Generic theories of change for conservation strategies: A new series supporting evidence‐based conservation practice.
Salafsky, N., Boshoven, J., Cook, C.N., Lee, A., Margoluis, R., Marvin, A., Schwartz, M.W. and Stem, C. (2021), Generic theories of change for conservation strategies: A new series supporting evidence-based conservation practice. Conservation Science and Practice, 3: e400. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.400