We’re thinking of you and your family in this time of uncertainty. Many of us have found solace in the natural world in this time of COVID-19 and social distancing. As conservationists, we want to do our best to keep this world thriving.
Foundations of Success (FOS) has been a fully virtual organization for over 20 years, and we’ve learned a great deal about working remotely along the way - from simple tips for efficiently facilitating an online group conversation to setting up collaborative workspaces that integrate web meetings with information sharing tools. We’ve also found that although social distancing measures may interrupt your normal routine, they provide a respite from day-to-day work that can be an ideal time to take on strategic planning, reflection, and similar ‘deep work’ that require focus and concentration.
In the months ahead we’ll continue to offer our standard set of services, adapted for the virtual world. We’re also happy to help you adapt your organization’s processes for a better virtual experience. If you are interested in learning more, send us an email: info@fosonline.org.