The Gulf of California, Mexico is home to a rich ecosystem that provides habitat to a large array of marine mammals and seabirds and sustains most of Mexico’s fishery resources. Since 2005, FOS has facilitated strategic planning processes with several conservation organizations and their partners working in the Gulf. Clients have included large international non-governmental organizations like the World Wildlife Fund and The Nature Conservancy and smaller local and national organizations like COBI, CEDO, and PANGAS. Because so many leading organizations in the region have used this common planning process and have participated in one another’s planning sessions, the region is in a great position to identify common strategies and themes across projects, better coordinate their work to address common threats, and engage in cross project or site learning. Most recently, FOS has begun work with COBI, Pronatura, and CONANP (the Mexican government agency responsible for protected area management) to build off of other planning processes and develop a strategic plan to facilitate collaboration among the three groups in the Midriff Islands region.
Gulf of California Strategic Planning Processes
Conservation Practitioners, Facilitation, South America
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