Gulf of California Evaluation

Gulf of California Evaluation

The Gulf of California is known globally for its impressive and diverse marine life. More than 300 estuaries, lagoons, and other wetlands dot the coast, and the region represents one of the most productive fishing areas in the world, accounting for about 75% of...


FOS’s work with the United Nations Small Grants Programme’s (SGP) COMPACT (Community Managed Protected Areas for Conservation) Program has included an Open Standards training workshop in Saint Louis, Senegal and ongoing virtual facilitation and coaching. COMPACT seeks...
Ebo Landscape and Jengi Forest, WWF Cameroon

Ebo Landscape and Jengi Forest, WWF Cameroon

At the request of the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), FOS facilitated a proposal revision workshop for 2 WWF-Cameroon project teams in Yaoundé, Cameroon. During the workshop, Ebo Landscape and Jengi Forest project teams used the WWF Project and Programme Standards...
Smithsonian-Mason Global Conservation Studies Program

Smithsonian-Mason Global Conservation Studies Program

This 2-week, intensive adaptive management course is taught in partnership with the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) training center in Front Royal, Virginia, USA. We offered this course for the first...
Baltic Sea Protected Areas

Baltic Sea Protected Areas

Inspired by work in Kosterhavets and Ytre Hvaler National Parks, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) decided to work with its country administrative boards to integrate adaptive management in a network of 5 Baltic Sea Protected Areas (BSPAs). FOS has...