Smithsonian-Mason Global Conservation Studies Program

Smithsonian-Mason Global Conservation Studies Program

This 2-week, intensive adaptive management course is taught in partnership with the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) training center in Front Royal, Virginia, USA. We offered this course for the first...
Online Training across Latin America

Online Training across Latin America

In late 2010, FOS partnered with the US Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife without Borders Program to provide distance training in the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation to teams across Latin America. The course received an overwhelming amount of...
The Teaching Adaptive Management Network

The Teaching Adaptive Management Network

Since its launch in Spring 2007, the graduate course in Adaptive Management for Conservation Projects course has been repeated annually at the University of Maryland and has been reproduced in other academic institutions including the University of California Davis,...
Training “Tomorrow’s Leaders” in Conservation

Training “Tomorrow’s Leaders” in Conservation

Interest in adaptive management training from academia is on the rise! FOS involvement in this trend has ranged from directly teaching or co-teaching courses to sharing materials with and providing advice to those interested in establishing courses on their own. Among...
Conservation Coaches Network

Conservation Coaches Network

In 2009, along with The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, and Greening Australia, FOS became a charter founder of the Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet). CCNet’s mission is “to catalyze effective conservation across lands and waters worldwide through...