At a time when more and more people are heading out to explore and connect to nature, outdoor recreation needs to be intentionally brought into the everyday management of protected areas. When outdoor recreation and conservation are mutually supportive, it generates...
This guidance is intended to support practitioners undertaking conservation planning in the face of the uncertainties created by climate change. It builds on the already widely used Conservation Measures Partnership’s Conservation Standards by walking through each of...
Pausing to reflect and adapt is a cornerstone of adaptive management. As a tool for conservation, it is enormously valuable and can be applied in a simple way. FOS has helped countless teams all over the world with their pause-and-reflect processes, for example when...
The marine conservation challenge Goals for marine protection are becoming increasingly ambitious, from the Aichi target of protecting 10% of coastal and marine areas towards new goals of 30% agreed by IUCN and in the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy. But even those 30%...
In 2016, the MAVA foundation changed its way of working entirely, in an attempt to scale up conservation impact. It did so by establishing Strategic Partnerships, i.e., partnerships between actors with different but complementary capabilities, working towards...
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