MPA Network Design and Management: the Swedish Framework and Guidance

MPA Network Design and Management: the Swedish Framework and Guidance

The marine conservation challenge Goals for marine protection are becoming increasingly ambitious, from the Aichi target of protecting 10% of coastal and marine areas towards new goals of 30% agreed by IUCN and in the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy.  But even those 30%...
How FOS Europe offsets its travel emissions

How FOS Europe offsets its travel emissions

Although we strive to minimise our travel, our work at FOS Europe sometimes requires travelling both near and far. Since 2019, we compensate for all the emissions caused by our travel by air and long-distance train. In 2019, we offset 128 tonnes of CO². Because of...
MAVA Adaptive Management Guidance

MAVA Adaptive Management Guidance

In 2016, the MAVA foundation changed its way of working entirely, in an attempt to scale up conservation impact. It did so by establishing Strategic Partnerships, i.e., partnerships between actors with different but complementary capabilities, working towards...